Knowledge Transfer Partnership - details

Partnership Information

Partnership number: 13512
Partnership objective: To design a decision support system for a cold chain distribution network to allow effective and efficient flow of temperature-controlled reusable containers that transport pharmaceutical goods, such as vaccination vials, to customers from public, private and third sector health providers, for the ultimate benefit of their patients.
Partnership dates: 24 February 2023 - 28 February 2026

Knowledge Base Partner Information

Knowledge Base Partner: Cardiff University
Department: Cardiff Business School

Company Partner Information

Company Partner: CT2 Limited
Company business: Rent reusable containers to the pharmaceutical industry that are used to transport products that need temperature control.
Area of UK: South East of England
Company Standard Industrial Classification: Unknown(00000)
Company size: 50 to 249 employees

Other Information

Contact: Prof Mohamed Naim, Tel: 02920 874635
This Partnership is supported by: Innovate UK (100%)
Grant amount: £160,612.00